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文档介绍:游遍英国:卡迪夫城堡作者:沪江英语来源:网络景点介绍卡迪夫城堡( Cardiff Castle )位于威尔士首都的卡迪夫,拥有两千多年的历史,展示了无以伦比的古今魅力。城堡为布特公园所环绕, 置身于一个长两英里、从卡迪夫向北延伸的绿色走廊地带。这是全英唯一由政府所拥有的城堡。它的历史可以追述到公元一世纪, 当时英国正处于罗马军队统治时期, 卡迪夫城堡的雏形也是由罗马军队建设而成。城堡有上百个房间, 内部装饰极尽奢华,确实真正金碧辉煌。 Cardiff Castle isa medieval castle and Victorian Gothic revival mansion located in the Castle Quarter of Cardiff, castle missioned by either William the Conqueror or by Robert Fitzhamon, and formed the heart of the medieval town of Cardiff and the Marcher Lord territory of an. In the mid-18th century, Cardiff Castle passed into the hands of Bute. During the first half of the 19th century, the family became extremely wealthy as a result of the growth of the coal industry. The grounds were re-landscaped and reconstructed walls and a gatehouse ina Roman style were incorporated into the castle design. When the Marquess died in 1947, the castle was given to the city of Cardiff. Today the castle is run as a tourist attraction, with the grounds housing the "Firing Line" regimental museum and interpretation centre. The castle has also served as a venue for events, including musical performances and festivals. 最初, 罗马军队建


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