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上传人:小博士 2022/7/12 文件大小:56 KB




This article is contributed by Zhao Mingsheng 1
DOC documents may experience poor browsing on that's the basic requirement. Please don't skimp on these times. If you do this in multiplayer, your ignorance will greatly drag down your teammates, and the enemy's interference with you will also affect your pathfinding. Dog in the manger or don't do things. Maybe some articles below can help you: about Dota map elements on the
http://dota. ogame. net/News. aspx? Id=50884 Dota http://dota. ogame. net/News. aspx id=50968 on the woods? Secondly, be familiar with the skills of a hero. In the case of sound intelligence (>_<), no one can not completely kill the hero skills another hero full of blood. But what skills each hero has, you must have a comprehensive understanding of it. This is the connection to the Dota hero database:
http://dota. ogame. net/Heroes. aspx, too, does not require you to remember the specific data of the skills immediately. There is no need for you to become familiar with the game. But you should at least know which heroes have stun skills, polymorph skills, and high magic skills. Some skills you may have never seen, such as butcher hooks or Xuemo split, then go to a game, and see how they play a role. This is very useful. Dota, after all, is dominated by magic skills. Finally, it's thinking. This is the game, not the whole life, and yo