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上传人:小博士 2022/7/12 文件大小:83 KB




文档介绍:鸡蛋的保健功能(Health function of egg)
Health function of egg
brain puzzle, egg yolk lecithin, glycerin three, cholesterol an up healthy, almost every meal to children to eat eggs of food, resulting in children suffering from indigestion diarrhea. This is because infants and young children gastrointestinal digestive function is immature, a variety of digestive enzymes secrete less, excessive eating eggs will increase the child's gastrointestinal burden.
Second, half of the year before the baby should not eat eggs clear. Eggs in the egg yolk inbabies sixth months after feeding, and observed after eating skin without rash, urticaria, vomiting and other allergies, because the infant immunity is weak, it is possible to new varieties of food allergies, as for protein in children under the age of 1 after it can be fed to infants because of eating more protein allergic phenomenon.
Third, it is not suitable for infants and young children to eat undercooked eggs. Even if you don't break the egg is very susceptible to bacterial contamination, so Fried Eggs to fry 3 minutes, boiled eggs boiled for 7 minutes, otherwise easily lead to bacterial infection. Because the raw egg structure is tight, but also contains the digestive tract protein acid substances, so that the protein is difficult to digest and absorb. Eggs only cooked, the protein structure has become loose, containing the digestive t