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文档介绍:毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献翻译计算机科学与信息工程系(院) 届题目(中文) 超市信息管理系统(英文) Super m arket Information management system 学生姓名专业班完成日期: 目录 Introduction Abstract Chapter 1: Introduction social background supermarket Background Feasibility study on the second chapter The technical feasibility study economic feasibility study feasibility study on the operation of Chapter III System Requirements Analysis users workflow users business needs Chapter IV System Design Overview Design thinking Design Principle business process analysis Data Flow Analysis Data Dictionary Functional Requirement Performance Requirements operating needs TWO Construction Management Information System 摘要第一章绪论 社会背景 超市背景第二章系统可行性研究 技术可行性研究 经济可行性研究 操作可行性研究第三章系统需求分析 用户工作流程 用户业务需求第四章系统概要设计 设计思想 设计原则 业务流程分析 系统数据流分析 数据字典 功能需求 性能需求 运行需求 Abstract Indon the main supermarket management, including stock management, cashier management, inventory management and staff management 4 aspects. System can pleted on the various types of information here, query, add, delete, modify functions. System is the core of marketing, inventory management and receiving for the links between, each table will be linked to amend the impact of other forms Upon pletionthe information age today, the effectiveness of puter is already known, particularly in the supermarket cash register system is inseparable from puter, the plete of the sale or purchase operation, the system will plete the corresponding information changes. Query system is the core of the system based mainly in the number and title of goods, such as query, the purpose is to facilitate users, in order to find faster to the various materials and the basic product quality information. System integrity of the users to add, delete and modify password function, the system used in Microsoft Office Access 2000 to design databases, and use the current good development tools - VB , it h