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上传人:文档百货 2022/7/14 文件大小:38 KB





  中国的礼仪文化英语作文 篇1
Throughout most of Chinas long history,the relationships betweristics and are inseparable to Chinese the advent of globalization ,western culture is so influential that many young people often look to Western customs and etiquette as being fashionable. For example, nowadays most young women in China would like to wear western-style white dresses and veils at wedding while traditional Chinese weddings feature red gowns for brides and white is an absolute taboo. In the long term,if the trend to adopt western etiquette can not be curbed,the Chinese generations in the future will lose their cultural identity.
Furthermore, the extinction of Chinese etiquette will be to the detriment of the diversity of global culture. To some extent,the course can serve to arouse college students cultural pride and help to preserve and further develop Chinese culture. In conclusion,taking traditional Chinese etiquette in college will not only make graduates more prepared for their future,but also can constitute an important measure for college students to form Chinese cultural identity and therefore to preserve Chinese tradition and further develop it.

As people respond to incentives, they will change their behaviors if they perceive that costs or benefits change. This principle seems to find wide application in our daily lives. When college graduates learn that receiving a master degree will give them an upper hand in the job market, many decide to take part in post-graduate entrance examinations. In China, it is regarded as following suit. Though we admire those who pride themselves on sticking to their ideals and principles, odds may not be against those who follow speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages of following suit.