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上传人:逍遥小书生 2022/7/14 文件大小:32 KB




文档介绍:第 2 页
Firstly...secondly...finally... 第一……第二……最后……
First...Next...After that...Lastly... 首先…stry and medical science field. His name will be remembered forever along with the Nobel Prize.
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the global for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and for work in peace. The foundation for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving most of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize.
第 2 页
(2) Edison and His Experiments
Thomas Edison was interested in science at an early age. In order to earn money for books and for his scientific experiments, Thomas sold vegetables from the family garden. This work did not make enough money, and so he began to sell newspapers. He traveled on trains to sell his newspapers. He began to do experiments on the trains too, and he brought a lot of instruments and chemicals on them. The railway line was not very good, and one day a train suddenly shook a lot during a turn. Edison had a piece of phosphorus(磷) among his chemicals. Everything in the train shook, and the phosphorus fell on the floor. It began to burn, as phosphorus often does. The train was soon burning. The conductor of the train was so angry that he threw Thomas and all his equipment off th