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  刚起先授于xxx同学数学课程时,课下与教过xxx数学的老师聊起来,老师们ster she entered our school. I know she is talent in music. She used to performance flute in our school activities, such as in talent show. In 20xx, she passed the high level test of FLUTE LEVEL 8. She loves music that is all her classmates and school teachers know.
  YADI WANG had special leadership and friendship in my class. Once we were about to take part in our school’s drama festival. We were supposed to play a Chinese traditional drama ?BAIMAONU. I analyzed some key plots and roles of this drama to my students, and then left all the other works to their own. YADI WANG was in charge of the directing and casting. It was not an easy job as it may sound. The enthusiasm made everybody ask for the leading roles, but no one was willing to take these minor ones. So YADI WANG decided to run an audition. Combined the performance in the audition and students’ actual characteristics, YADI WANG assigned everyone the most suitable role. And then, she divided the crew into several groups. Different groups rehearsed in different places at the same time. And the leading actors were the strings to connect these groups into a collectivity. Through this way, it saved lots of time, which was the scarcest thing to middle school students, to get everybody into his role. And before the final performance, she just needed to call all the actors together for a preview for once or twice. She has done even better than I had expected.
  Another time was in a seminar, we ran a debate competition about teacher’s professional ethics. YADI WANG was the leading debater of the con side. During the debate, she showed her wide knowledge and eloquence. She used lots of proverbs, history figures and examples to support her stand, and every word of her was incisive to get to the point, and also full of humors. Her performance won both her teammates and opponents’ admiration.


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