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文档介绍:This manuscript was revised by the office on December 10, 2020.
Text 1
Sah, that’s $35 one way, $65 return, so I guess it’s a bit more expensive than the Greyhound.
Woman:Oh, that doesn’t sound too if it*ll take me straight to the hotel.
Man:But you do need to reserve a seat.
Woman:OK. Is it possible to make a booking right now Through you
Man: just have to fill this form out for you. So what date do you want to book this for
Woman:The 16th of Octobler –oh,no,’s my departure date. I arrive on the 17th, so book it for then,please.
Man: So, That’s the Toronto Airport Shuttle to this is for just one person or…
Woman: yes, just me, please.
Man:Right. And you said your excepted time of arrival was 11:30 So if I book your Shuttle for after 12:00- let’s say, 12:30 that should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage maybe grab a coffee
Woman:Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time!
Man: Well,we’ll take you flight details so you don’t need to warry too much about that. Now. what about the fare What sort of ticket do you want One way or…
Woman:Yes,that’ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip once I’m there.
Man:No problem – just allow a couple of days in advanced to make sure you get a seat. And what’s you name, please
Woman:Janet, Janet Thomson.
Man:Is that Thompson spelt with a “p”
Woman: No,it’s T-H-O-M-S-O-N.
Man: OK,And you’ll be coming from the UK What flight will you be travelling on
Woman:Oh, it’s Air Canada flight number AC936, from London Heathrow.
Man:Right. Now,do you know where you’ll be staying We need to give the driver an address.
Woman:yes, it’s called the Vacation Mote-and I think it’s near the town centre. Anyway, the address is 24 Kitchener Street- that’s kitchener street.
Man: That’s fine. Right. So that’s $35 to pay please. Have you get your credit card number there
Woman:Yes, it’s a VISA card ,and the number is 3303 8450 2045 6837


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