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职称英语综合A级 第8讲 阅读理解(3)[突破英语等级考试].doc

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职称英语综合A级 第8讲 阅读理解(3)[突破英语等级考试].doc

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职称英语综合A级 第8讲 阅读理解(3)[突破英语等级考试].doc


文档介绍:Americans Get Touchy1
1. The New York Times recently reported that American teens are hugging practically everyone they see. Say goodbye to the greetings of the past, from the hands-off "What's up!" to the handshake or high-five2. For young people across the country, hugging is the new "Hello".
2. Girls are hugging girls. Boys are hugging boys. Girls and boys are hugging each other. And, like every major trend, there are lots of variations on the form. There's the classic, full-body, arms-around-the-person bear hug, the casual one-armed side hug, the group hug and the hug from behind. There's the handshake that turns into a hug and the hug that turns into a pat on the back.
3. As trends go, this one seems pretty innocent. But some parents, teachers and school administrators are worried heless. Will young people who aren't fortable with physical contact feel peer pressured into hugging? Will kids who don't receive hugs feel left Out3? Could an extra-long hug slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment?
4. In response to some of these concerns, some schools have set up new rules to limit or eliminate hugging. One school head has created a three-second limitation4 for hugs at her school. A few schools have taken even more drastic measures, placing a ban on all forms of touching between students.
5. A few important points are being left out of the discussion. Wh


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