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文档介绍:单位代码 04 学号 1503200001 分类号 H31 密级毕业论文 An Analysis of Women ’s Personality Construction in Runaway Based on the Theory of Feminism 从女性主义理论分析《逃离》中女性人格的建构院(系) 名称外国语学院专业名称英语(教育方向) 学生姓名李梦瑶指导教师刘鹏飞 2017 年 5月 20日黄河科技学院毕业论文第I页 Acknowledge ments This paper es into being in gestation for several months. During this period of the time, I have benefited a great deal of support and help from my teachers, classmates as well as my dear friends. First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Liu Pengfei, for his earnest and patient guidance as well as his meaningful advices and invaluable assistance on my paper apart from his close scrutiny and constant encouragements, without which the thesis would not be possible. Secondly, I am thankful for the help and support from my classmates and friends, who offered me their caring encouragement and considerations when I’m confronted with the hurdles of writing this paper. Last but not least, I wish to take the opportunity to thank all those teachers who gave me direct or indirect advice on my paper, and helped me a lot in various ways. 黄河科技学院毕业论文第 II页 An Analysis of Women ’s Personality Construction in Runaway Based on the Theory of Feminsim Author: Li Mengyao Tutor : Liu Pengfei Abstract This paper makes an analysis ofR unaway , won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature. Writer Alice Monroe's masterpiece, But also an immortal monument in the history of Canadian literature. At present, many critics from the foreground, ecology and other aspects of the analysis of the novel, And from the feminist theory of the works of female personality analysis of the less. Therefore, this bines the theory of feminism with the text, discusses the women in the life of the various difficulties faced by the face and the self-personality established confused, the study of women's self-personality self-exploration to the personality of the final establishment of the process. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly intr