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文档介绍:中 国 医 药 指 南 2022 年 6 月第 20 卷  第 16 期 • 应用研究 • 85

group with 42 cases in accordance with the random number table method. The experimental group was treated with tension-free hernia repair.
The group was treated with traditional hernia repair. The operation and postoperative indexes of the two groups were compared, and the incidence
of complications and recurrence rate were counted. Results In terms of operation time, bowel function recovery time, time to get out of bed and
hospital stay, the experimental group were (±) minute, (±) hours, (±) hours, (±) days, respectively days,
significantly shorter than the time data of the control group (±) minute, (±) hours, (±) hours, (±) days, the
difference was statistically significantP ( <). Intraoperative blood loss in the experimental group was significantly less than that in the control
group (P<). The recurrence rate of the experimental group was 0, and the control group was % (7/42), and the experimental group
was significantly lower than the control group P( <). The complication rate was % (2/42), and the control group was % (9/42). The


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