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上传人:raojun00001 2017/6/22 文件大小:59 KB




It is truly my great honor to receive an offer to eoll in the Office Administration – Legal program at Conestoga College, Ontario, Canada. Conestoga College is known for providing students with great education in legal studies, and is one of the best amongst all institutes that offer the equivalent programs. The world-class education and the promising opportunities it brings are highly attractive to a person like me who is pursuing her career as a legal assistant.
In a world involving increasingly large numbers of international trades and personal conflicts,legal issue has e an essential part of the daily life for almost everyone. And possessing great knowledge in this area surely enhances the quality of living and allows one to be able to deal with various issues with the correct attitudes and find the right solution. It will undoubtedly be a great pleasure to pursue a designation in this program at Conestoga College.
plementary education in this area in Canada is not only a way to immerse in the great learning environment, but also a mean
_____________________________________________________________________ to broaden the horizon. Conestoga College has unparalleled experiences in dealing with and helping international students to achieve their goals, and this is what I highly value, as it will assist me to understand differences between the different legal systems more thoroughly. Although China is also agood place to study, for me, a person who works for one of the top 10 American law firms, the education I receive at Conestoga College is going to be extremely helpful.
As an entry level staff at XXX, the chance of advancing to a more respectable position will be greatly increased with a diploma in Office Administration
–Legal from Conestoga College. The knowledge of the western legal system I obtain from Conestoga College will also allow me to se


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