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  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passagiabetes and suggests they breastfeed. The new findings will probably inspire Gregory to add to the advice she gives moms-to-be about the benefits of breastfeeding. She often focuses on the benefits to the baby.
  1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?
  A. About two thousand and two hundred old women took part in the study.
  B. Eleanor Schwarz’s research program was about men and women who suffered from diabetes.
  C. Over one fifths of the women never got married.
  D. Eleanor Schwarz’s results seem more reliable.
  2. According to Schwarz’s findings, who are more likely to get diabetes later in life?
  A. Those mothers who had never breastfed.
  B. Those mothers who never gave birth.
  C. Those mothers who breastfed for a month.
  D. Those mothers who breastfed for six months.
  3. Which of the following statements would Schwarz agree with?
  A. Breastfeeding is not advisable because it is not good for a mom to keep a good shape.
  B. Breastfeeding can greatly reduce a mother’s chances of getting all kinds of serious disease.
  C. Breastfeeding for a month is highly recommended: the longer, the better.
  D. Breastfeeding for a month or longer makes babies smarter.
  4. What does the author mean by “moms-to-be〞 in the last paragraph?
  A. Women who are pregnant, especially for the first time.
  B. Women who dream of having babies for the first time.
  C. Women who already have children.
  D. Women who have just got babies for the first time.
  5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?
  A. Breastfeeding May Enhance Babies’ Chances of Survival
  B. Breastfeeding May Lower Moms’ Diabetes Risk
  C. Breastfeeding May Become Very Fashionable in Near Future
  D. Breastfeeding May Help Women Lose Weight.


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