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which one do you like in the twenty-four solar term, solar term? is the snow, or in whatever you like关于冬天的英语作文:立冬的故事
which one do you like in the twenty-four solar term, solar term? is the snow, or in whatever you like, the beginning of autumn? i like winter. in the morning, the sky with snowflakes, i was still asleep, mother walked over and said, "son, get up today, but the beginning of winter." i jumped up immediately, "oh!" "oh!" the first sound was cheering, and the second hit the wall, and my eyes were shining with excitement. a day of study and life is over, i jumped to the home, wow ha ha, today finally can package dumplings. back home, i put the bag down, wash their hands. ready for the big time. can i just came out from the toilet, dispose of the brother's rolling pin is straight toward me over, i'm glad i flash, otherwise i... can't imagine. i picked up a dough, roll a few want to pack, but too thick, so he tried to roll under a lot of, the result is too thin, had no choice but to rework, and this time i seriously slowly rolling, once, twice, three...... ha ha, successful, i can't wait to add dumplings, but pinch in together is not an easy thing, pinch here, there is leaking, rush finally a good package is too "fat" brother after seeing convulsed with laughter. and i said, "have you come," said my brother, and took my bread in my hand. i know you


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