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文档介绍:2015-2016 学年第一学期荔湾区期末初三统考试卷
一、语法选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15 小题所给的A、B、C 和D 项中选出一个最
Many, many years ago most people did not have beautiful books. Some families did not have
books at all. The people ____1_____ did have books had only a few.
Instead of ____2_____ books, people told stories. They would remember things ____3_____
happened to them and would retell these tales to friends.
Some stories you read in books today ____4_____ to children many years ago by their
fathers and mothers. ____5_____ those girls and boys grew up, they, in turn, told their children the
same tales.
Sometimes the stories changed as one man told ____6_____. That is why today there are
different beginnings and different endings to the same folk tales. You ____7_____ different names
for all kinds of characters in the different versions(版本) of the tales. In this way the stories almost
seem ____8_____ different ones and not your favorite tales at all.
Some people _____9____ stories. They would suppose ____10_____ things which had
happened could not really have happened. Such people became ____11_____ as storytellers.
In many of the tales, animals did the talking. In others, good men came to help bad men.
Strange, exciting things ____12_____. The different ideas made interesting stories.
Some of the early tales, ___13______ them Mother Goose verses we


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