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Unit 9 How I Found My Voiclity, general or specific.
II. Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences.
1. I can feel something crawling up my leg.
2. He ran very fast and was able to catch the bus.
3. By the time she finishes her course, she will be able to speak English well.
4. P
5. In yesterday's competition, Jane was able to spell the new words without making a single mistake.
6. P
7. I talked for a long time, and in the end I was able to make her believe me.
8. P
III. Rewrite the sentences where could can be used.
1. Could we meet again tomorrow?
2. She could sing like an angel when she was a kid.
3. John was so drunk that he couldn't open the door.
4. /
5. /
6. You could talk with your teacher.
7. No one knows where he is. He could be in Paris. He could be in London.
8. Could I use your phone?
IV. Rewrite the following short dialogue. Try to make the tone sound more tentative.
A: Excuse me, would you open this door?
B: I'm afraid it's locked. Shall I get the key?
A: Please, if you wouldn't mind, as quickly as you can.
V. Insert the adjectives or adverbs given in brackets in the correct positions.
1. Three pretty little French girls came to tea yesterday.
2. I spent a long happy time living in Germany years ago.
3. I have


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