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上传人:ATONGMU 2022/7/21 文件大小:14 KB




  People’s opinions are always different once they talk about campus love. Some peop happily. I love the warmth of the big collective, united as one love it, love its elegant environment, love its rich variety of activities. School students to participate in organized competition, students are encouraged to register; clean up the campus health, we are all hands-on; the establishment of extra-curricular groups, everyone fighting over who gets to participate. So one thing left me with an indelible impression.

Also remember that it was New Year”s party in 20XX, when Classroom layout looks extremely beautiful! The color bars covered with colorful classroom on the blackboard the words “Happy New Year“ a few characters, the following horses are running in the lovely painted pony, glass puffing “Happy New Year“ message. The General Assembly began, me and Liu Yunpeng as a moderator to tell you solemnly announced: “ ”New Year”s party now!“, The students were performing a self-compiled dance, little drama, poetry recitation, heartily express our joy. Applause, laughter break out. We also conducted a lot of interesting games. Suddenly, the door opened, Zhao Shu Yi Smiling mother holding two box cake walked. “Oh, the cake myself!
“Everyone cheered excitedly.“ Sub-cake now! L