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  ________to see you here! I thought you were not supposed to come walk.
  A. how far Xihui Park isB. how far is Xihui Park
  C. how can I get to Xihui ParkD. how I can get to Xihui Park
  —Jack, haven’t seen you for a long time! Where have you been?
  —Well, I ________ in Shanghai on vacation for two months.
  A. have stayedB. stayedC. had stayedD. was staying
  ---I promise to work harder this term, Mum.
  --Well, my dear, just as the saying goes, “________.” I do hope that you will act soon.
  A. Practice makes perfectB. Many hands make light work
  C. You’re never too old to learnD. Actions speak louder than words.

  ---Miss, Li, I’m afraid I have got low marks in the English exam.
  ---Come on, Dear! ________. I’m sure if you try your best, you’ll pass it easily next time.
  A. It doesn’t matterB. No problemC. Take it easyD. Never mind.
  Paper cutting is the art of cuttingpaperdesigns. Paper cuttings are very beautiful and display ____Chinesecharacteristics. They can be seen in many parts of China. During the Spring Festival, people stick patterns on the windows, doors or desks for the festival.
  These paper cuttings are sometimes called “window flowers” or “picture cuts”. The custom of sticking window flowers______ in North China in the beginning. During festivals such as the Chinese New Year, weddings, and celebrations for the birth of a baby, people used paper cuttings to show their________ or bring good luck.
  A thousand years ago, people began to use paper cutting for decoration. ______ to historic books, women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as headdress. In the Song Dynasty, it was the decoration of the gifts. Some people made a living by the skill.

  Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn. You need only a knife an


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