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第二次世界大战 英文.ppt

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第二次世界大战 英文.ppt

上传人:精选文库 2017/7/4 文件大小:1.92 MB


第二次世界大战 英文.ppt


文档介绍:World War Ⅱ
World War II
Axis Allies
-Germany -United Kingdom
-Italy -France
-Japan -Poland
-Hungary(匈牙利) -Later UN - Led
-Bulgaria(保加利亚) by US/USSR/UK
What do you think are the causes of the second World War’s outbreak?
Reasons of WWⅡ
Reasons of WW Ⅱ
The historical cause : the Treaty of Versailles
The root cause :uneven economic and political development
The direct cause: economic crisis (1929 ~ 1933 )
Other cause :The policy of appeasement (绥靖政策)
Process of WW Ⅱ
All-out stage
Stalemate and turning stage
Ending stage
September 1, 1939 The German attacked Poland
June 22,1940 the French surrendered
June 22, 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet union
October 1941 Battle Of Moscow
December 7, 1941, Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
January 1, 1942 The Declaration of United Nations
June ,1942 The victory of Midway Island
February, 1943 The victory of Stalingrad (turning point)
July ,1943 coup in Italy --- Fascist axis begun to collapse
June 6, 1944 the Normandy Landing
April 30, 1945 Hitler's suicide
May 8, 1945 The German surrender unconditionally
August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered
Caused more than 102,210,000 people died


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