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文档介绍:: .
at a deeper level any more, while Data Mining Technique can solve these problems
much better.
The increasing data base of the students concludes much, like students’ test
score. With the rapid development of computer technology, Computer Rank
Examination becomes more and more popular; hence, the data base of students’ test
score becomes much bigger. So, to use Data Mining Technique to mine the
accumulated mass CRE score is of great meaning with regarding to the improvement
of the students’ score on CRE, since people can apply the results of data mining in
school computer teaching research.
This paper intends to show the use of Data Mining Technique in the analysis of
students’ score information in Computer Rank Examination, from the pretreatment on
the collected data to the use of decision tree technique in data analysis. This employs
ID3 algorithm in decision tree technique to get the decision tree of the students’ score.
Then by analyzing the useful information to find out the elements that can influence
CRE score and the rules in these influences to instruct school teaching work.
Keywords:Data mining;computer examination;decision tree;SqlServer2008目 录
1 绪 论 ..................................................................................................1
研究背景与意义 ..................................................................................1
数据挖掘的产生 ..................................................................................1
数据挖掘的国内外研究现状 ..............................................................2
论文研究内容及结构安排 ..................................................................3
2 数据挖掘技术 ........................................................................................4
数据挖掘的概念 ................................


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