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随着人们生活水平的提高,用微电脑控制的模糊电饭煲已经逐渐走入人 们的日常生活。本课题从实际工程出发,对于模糊技术的电饭煲控制系统 设计和应用进行了深入的研究。
电饭煲是一种典型的模糊对象,其特性随着其装载物的量和种类的不同 而大大se with good results achieved.
The controller of the system of the fuzzy controlled electrical cooker is setup. Both the hardware and the software are described in the paper. The main structure of the hardware is described in detail and for each parts, a sort of popular circuit module is shown. For electrical cookers are consumptive, the emphasis of the introduction is how
word文档可自由复制编辑 to reduce the cost of the hardware. The main software flowchart is show to analysis how the cooker works. What ' s more, procedure of getting the quantity of rice by reasoning is contrived and the main flowchart is shown.
With all of these done, the design of a king of fuzzy cooker is still so complicated and hard, so an ES is brought forward in the last chapter to use computers instead of engineers to do the “try and error, thing. The ES is established on the experience of the skilled electrical cooker engineers, which is complicated but well-regulated and could be written into programs. The configuration of the hardware is shown and the GUI of the ES is given and tells how to use it. Algorithm to handle with the method of “try and error" is introduced too and the flowchart is given.
Keywords : electrical cooker; fuzzy control; try and error; low-cost design; expert system
传统控制理论的局限性及模糊控制理论的产生 8
经典控制理论和现代控制理论的局限性 8
人工控制的启示 9
模糊控制理论的发展 11
基本模糊控制 11
自组织模糊控制 12
模糊控制工程 13
模糊控制的简单介绍 15
模糊控制的研究对象 16
模糊控制的特点 17
模糊控制在家用电器中的应用 17
模糊控制系统 19
模糊控制系统的组成与特点 19
模糊控制系统具有如下优点 21
传统电饭煲的工作原理 22
电饭煲的煮饭过程 22
、电饭煲的结构原理 24
模糊电饭煲的基本结构 28
模糊电饭煲的基本结构 28
模糊电饭煲的模糊控制 30
模糊电饭煲的控制电路 34
1软件系统设计 45
2主程序设计 45
⑴ 吸水阶段控制模块 47
⑵ 升温过程的控制模块 48
⑶ 保沸过程控制 50
(4) 补炊过程控制 51
5. 3子程序设计 52
结论 54
致谢 55
的家用电器越来越多模糊控制技术是 21世纪的核心技术,是模仿人类大脑思维的 技术,是简单有效的控制技术。家用电器应用模糊控制技术后,在更加人性化的


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