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液晶微透镜阵列直接成像 刘天.pdf

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液晶微透镜阵列直接成像 刘天.pdf

上传人:黛玉文档 2022/7/26 文件大小:1.26 MB


液晶微透镜阵列直接成像 刘天.pdf


Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
ISSN 1006-4125,CN 31-1690/TN
tal microlens array
Tian Liu1, Zhiqiang Liu1, Mao Ye1*
of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 611731, China
Abstract Aiming at the complex structure and small field of view of conventional microscopes,
a two-channel low-voltage driving liquid crystal microlens array structure is proposed. The focal
length of the lens is controlled by three electrodes, and the middle electrode is a circular hole array
pattern electrode, which acts as an aperture stop to restrain stray light. The wavefront and optical
power of the array are measured. A simple liquid crystal microlens array direct imaging system is
developed. Each part of the object is imaged by the corresponding microlens. The crosstalk between
adjacent microlenses is reduced by near-parallel light illumination, then each sub-image is stitched
together to obtain the complete image. The system requires no additional optics and has a simple
and compact structure. The liquid crystal mi


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