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上传人:tanfengdao 2017/7/10 文件大小:28 KB




Through two years of social life, I grew up a lot. , I own the past two years to make a summary of the harvest and feelings, and as a guide for my future action bank job self-evaluation of bank job self-evaluation. Ideology, I pursue progress, ideological consciousness has been greatly improved. During my work as an office clerk, I felt that the position of office clerk played an important role in the operation and coordination of enterprises. As an office clerk, to love their work, work conscientiously, have not afraid of the spirit of fear is not afraid of fatigue, but also willing to be unsung to be fair, loyal to their duties and work hard to master the skill bank job self-evaluation. The spirit of the positive demands of the spirit of unity, unity of students, respect for teachers, helpful, hardworking, honest and cheerful, good at munication with people, work with anizational management and practical ability, strong collective sense, team spirit ,innovative mind. Good at munication, coordination and anizational skills and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, motivated, caring and good at teaching and learning; self-motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their ability and overall quality. In future work, I will be full of energy, assiduously study the spirit to work hard and steadily improve their ability to


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