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  Charles Robert Darwin, February ally this version has become a standard. Nearly a century of Chinese translation is based on the sixth edition of the translation.

  2, the book discusses breeding science, ecology, paleontology, biogeography, animal behavior, morphology, embryology, taxonomy and many other areas of a large number of phenomena, revealing a variety of biological relationship between species, species Is not fixed, but through with the modified generation of and change. Darwin studied the variation of biological life in domestic and natural state, put forward the theory of evolution as the core of natural selection theory, that in the struggle for survival, individuals with favorable variation were chosen to be preserved, the unfavorable individual was eliminated, After a generation of natural environment to choose the role of adaptation to the gradual accumulation of mutations, leading to the emergence of new species, resulting in a wonderful variety of life forms; dwelling in the earth all the creatures, are derived from one or several primitive types of evolution Evolved to cause biodiversity.

  Translator introduction
  Li Hu: Hebei Xingtai, Peking University graduate, the State Oceanic Administration Third Marine Research Institute of Science and Technology Information Center engineers. Engaged in marine science, biodiversity and scientific history of the translation work. Translation of worry days: the history of global warming exploration (2022, Tsinghua University Press), Evolutionary Legend (2022, Ocean Press) and other works.
  The origin of species
  November 24, 1859, the British naturalist, evolutionary founder Darwins origin of the species published, laid the theoretical basis of evolution


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