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文档介绍:of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of t.
林:ok. Everyone has his own always share their secrets with each course, I also have my like making friends with someone who is helpful ,friendly and easy- other words,I won't make friends with those who is over proud and selfish. Whatahout you,X?
X:as for me ,friends are not noly someone we need but aslo we believed. My friend shoud be honest,generous,sloppy and have a sense of ifhe can’t help me sometimes but he stillacpany me. Once he has an opportunity to make a fortune, he will share with me.
陈:I need some friends who may make me fun and matter which friend,he mill be the first onewho youwant totalk towhen you are in trouble .Friendswould begood listenerwho allows you to show yourself in front of need this kind of friend,because I always have some annoyance in my daily life.
龙:I wil make fiends with some people who can help me to achieve my believe that they can inspire meall the time and let mestrengthenmy a friend can also be called a tutor. they are so experienced in some areas thatthey can often provide me with a lot of suggestions in career, family, interpersonal relationships and other aspects.
林:I agree that.
X:But what should we do


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