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文档介绍:Traffic Impact Studies
What is a traffic impact study (TIS)?
A study to identify impacts to
Other Projects and Improvements
Factor in any traffic generation from planned, but currently un-built projects
Factor in any planned infrastructure improvements
Planned and Programmed Improvements
Analysis Scenario
Future with project (4-stage planning model)
4-Stage Planning Model
Trip Generation
Trip Distribution
Mode Split
Trip Assignment
Trip Generation
Trip Generation is the process used to estimate the amount of travel associated with specific land uses
May be the most critical element in the study
How Determined?
Find similar land use/facility and determine from studying that case
ITE Trip Generation Report
Hybrid and engineering judgment—especially with mixed uses, such as shopping mall
Trip Generation
Use of report
land use selection
independent variable selection
time period selection
choice of rate or equation
be aware of data limitations
Trip Generation
Trip types
Primary Trip
Made for the specific purpose of visiting the generator
New trips on the network
Primary Trip Type
Pass-by Trip
Trips that would have traveled on a street adjacent to a retail center even if the retail was not constructed
Applied to retail land uses, for example
Shopping centers
Convenience markets
Gas stations
Fast food restaurants
Results in reduction of New Trips (on adjacent street) attributable to retail center
Pass-by Trip Type
Pass-by Trip Type
Diverted Trip
Trips using a segment of the transportation system that they previously were not using to access the proposed development site
Count as new trips where they travel on segments required to reach the site where they previously did not travel
Diverted Trip Type
Trip Distribution
Definition: determining general O-D percentages
Can use zonal population and employment data


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