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文档介绍:So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, ev8 will改为would; 9 as important去掉as; 10 the part去掉the
The previous section has shown how quickly a rhyme passes
from one school child to the next and illustrates the further difference (1)_____
between shcool lore and nursery lore. In nursery lore a verse, learnt
in early childhood, is not usually passed on again when the little listener (2)_____
has grown up, and has children of their own, or even grandchildren. (3)_____
The period between learning a nursery rhyme and transmitting
It may be something from twenty to seventy years. With the playground (4)_____
lore, therefore, a rhyme may be excitedly passed on whtin the very hour (5)_____
it is learnt; and in the general, it passes between children of the (6)_____
same age, or nearly so, since it is uncommon for the difference in age
between playmates to be more than five years. If therefore, a playground
rhyme can be shown to have been currently for a hundred years, or (7)_____
even just for fifty, it follows that it has been retransmitting over
and over; very possibly it has passed along a chain of two or three (8)_____
hundred young hearers and tellers, and the wonder is that it remains live (9)_____
after so much handling, to let alone that it bears resemblance to


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