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文档介绍:: .
西安国际港务区综合保税区规划设er an area of 10 square kilometres.
In order to promote the construction of Comprehensive Bonded Zone,
complete the function design, scientifically and advancedly plan thelayout of Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Export Processing Zone, Bonded
Logistic Area , facilitate transfer, dispatch, purchase, transit, export
processing, etc., we open bidding and sincerely invite both domestic and
international organizations to participate in the Planning and Design of
Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Xi’an International Logistics & Trade
Related matters are announced as the followings:
1. Bidding Project
The Planning and Design of Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Xi’an
International Logistics & Trade Park
2. Eligible Bidders
1) Eligible bidder shall be an entity which has the qualification of
an independent legal person or an individual in China or
2) The bidder shall have the experiences on similar projects.
3. Bid Fee
The bid winner will get the contract of the project “The Planning and
Design of Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Xi’an International Logistics
& Trade Park”. Other bidders will get the base bid fee of RMB 30,000
Yuan (oversea bidders will be paid according to the currency rate on thatday).
4. Related Issues
1) The intellectual property of all results which are submitted by
the bidder is owned by the Administration Committee of
Xi’an International Logistics & Trade Park;
2) The bid winner shall complete the results in the light of the
experts’ review opinions, and then gain the project cost
according to the contract;
3) All costs occurred during the biding