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两人英语长对话 英语两人长对话带翻译.docx

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两人英语长对话 英语两人长对话带翻译.docx

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两人英语长对话 英语两人长对话带翻译.docx


文档介绍:两人英语长对话 英语两人长对话带翻译
两人英语长对话 英语两人长对话带翻译
  英语对话教学方式以培养和提高学生的英语综合水平作为最终目的,在进行英语教学中运用真实且自然的语境,不仅利于增强学生的学****热情度,还有利于形成学生在学****参与过程中处于主动、积极的学****状态,培养学生的英语交际意识。我精心收集了两人英语长对话,供大家欣赏学****br/>  两人英语长对话2
  Todd: OK. Ramon, were going to talk about opposites.
  Jamon: OK.
  Todd: What is big?
  Jamon: The earth is big.
  Todd: Yeah, I agree. What is small?
  Jamon: Im small on the earth.
  Todd: Thats true. How much do you weigh?
  Jamon: I weigh 65.
  Todd: Wow! 65 kilograms.
  Jamon: Yeah.
  Todd: Yeah, yeah. Im a little bit heavier, about 72....What is expensive?
  Jamon: A big house is expensive.
  Todd: Yeah, pretty much anywhere. Ooh..loud motorcycle. Sorry! What is small? I mean..Im sorry..what is cheap?
  Jamon: What is cheap? The 100 Yen shop is cheap.
  Todd: Yeah. What can you buy at a 100 Yen shop?
  Jamon: About everything.
  Todd: Yeah.
  Jamon: Which is good?
  Todd: Do you think 100 Yen shops are a good idea, or do you think theyre environmentally a bad idea?
  Jamon: No, I like the 100 Yen shop.
  Todd: Yeah. The cheap stuff. Actually. I do to. Its nice. Alright. Thanks a lot.
  Todd: OK. Keri, can you drive?
  Kerri: Yes, I can.
  Todd: Do you have a drivers license?
  Kerri: I do.
  Todd: OK. So, how long have you had your drivers l