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英语教学反思 篇一
Reflection ontcomes was the form of examination. The only role of a student was merely a listener.
Advantages of teacher-centered method:
This traditional English teaching -learning method in Chinese classroom as a foreign language focuses on input of knowledge and structures of language itself and grammatical system. To beginners of English learning or inexperienced learners, it is often necessary to begin by teachers instructing enough fundamental knowledge and making most of the decisions as the foundations of learning. Also learners from the teacher -centered English classroom may cover more topics during the same period and for teachers, they could achieve their objectives efficiently and control the class effectively.
Shortages of teacher-centered method:
Learners who exposed in a long listening environment as listeners rather than participants will feel bored, fatigued, tired, undisciplined and sleepy. Teacher -centered English learning situations in Chinese classroom also are less tolerant toward the expressed students’ viewpoints, and it is more restrictive, critical in valuing the behavior and motives of the students. This will constrict the creativity of students and they will less bring forth new ideas. Besides, one of the aims for learners to learn another language is for social interaction (Long, 11011)。 Students need to gain language communicational skills, need to carry out real world tasks and what they do with the language. While teacher -centered English teaching -learning style may block and less focus on the development of students ability to listening and speaking in English.
Student-centered learning has advantages for both students and teachers. Students develop learning and other skills and gain meaningful knowledge that will help them throughout life. The relationship between rights and responsibilities is


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