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Effects of Micro... Composite Tubes 周海丽.pdf

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Effects of Micro... Composite Tubes 周海丽.pdf

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Effects of Micro... Composite Tubes 周海丽.pdf



文档介绍:Published online:2021-10-21 14:42:14
failure yarn content on the crush failure characteristics under
morphologies were shown to reveal damage mechanisms. quasi⁃static axial compression. The results showed that the
From the results the increase in braiding angle wall main failure mode was splaying and the average width of

thickness and di,ameter increases the ability of, anti⁃ the splaying fronds increased with the increase of braiding
deformation and breaking load of braided tubes. The angle but decreased with the increase of axial yarn
breaking load of specimen with a braiding angle of 45° is conten,t.
about 1
68 times that of specimen with a braiding angle of Several studies have been done on transverse loading
15°. The breaking load of specimen with 4 layers of yarns is of tubes. Kim et al.[ ] studied quasi⁃static transverse
about 2
15 times that of specimen with 2 layers of yarns. loading behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer
The breaking load of the tube with a diameter of 25
5 mm is CFRP tubes combined with aluminum. They found that
about 2
39 times that of the tube with a diameter of