专业层次: 本科
级别: 2011年秋
学号: 1161101251183
姓名: 韦文娟
分校(工作站): 城西三分校
指导教师: 吴永鹏朋
2013年 11月 06 日
一、 病虫害防治的重要性 4
二、 城市园林植物病虫害发生的特点 4
三、 城市园林植物病虫害防治的基本方法 4
(一) 植物检疫法 4
(二) 城市园林植物栽培技术防治法 5
1. 植物选择 5
2. 栽培措施 5
(三) 物理机械防治法 5
(四) 生物防治法 6
(五) 化学防治法 6
四、 城市绿地病虫害防治原则 6
五、 东三环园林植物常见病虫害的综合防治 6
(一) 食叶害虫 6
(二) 刺吸式害虫 7
(三) 钻蛀害虫 8
(四) 土壤害虫 8
(五) 城市园林植物病害综合防治 9
1. 真菌病害防治 9
2. 病毒病害防治 10
3. 细菌病害防治 10
4. 线虫病害防治 10
六、 结束语 10
参考文献 11
致谢词 11
关键词:园林植物; 病虫害防治; 综合防治方法; 无公害农药使用
Abstract:In recent years the urban landscape greening construction has made great achievement all over the country,and a related various technical to this construction also developed greatly. With the continuous development and deepenning of urban greening scale , the technique of plant pest control play an important role in urban landscape greening construction. In this article ,the maintenance of landscape plant to season characteristics and the actual situation of greening maintenance management in xi’an east 3rd ring road were took into consideration. At the same time,the significant of pest control, the characteristics of landscape plant diseases and insect pests and the example analysis method of landscape plant pest of urban were discribed. On the basis of the above, combined with the actual situation of pest control in xi’an east 3rd ring road, the results of significant of pest control showed that to focus on prevention pest rather than spray insecticide after insect outbreaks occur, how protect and make good use of the natural enemies, how to take the best ratio of pesticide