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题 目: 《最后一片叶子》——浅评欧·亨利的写作风格
学 院: 行 知 学 院
专 业: e three world’s short stories master. He was once hailed as the Laurel Prose Writer in Manhattan and the American Modern Short Stories’ Father, as well as the “Guy de Maupassant of United States”.
O. Henry was born in a physician’s family, in the town of Greensboro, North Carolina of the United States. Although he suffered much education, but his life was full of legend. From the age of 15, he had been a pharmacy apprentice, and then a cattleman. He accumulated the personal experience of western life from it. Since then, they worked as accountant, land agency clerk, news reporter, bank teller and so on. He even spent time in prison. And he worked as a pharmacist in the prison infirmary. The cause of the first work he created was to buy Christmas gifts for his daughter. However, because of his identity of prisoner, he used the name of the editor of the French Pharmacopoeia as as his pseudonym, instead of his real name. After his early release in 1901, he then moved to New York, specializing in writing.
O. Henry created more than 300 short stories in about ten years of time. He was good at describing American society, especially the lives of the people in New York. Despite his observation and analysis about social and life were not very profound, and some works were relatively shallow, but the hardship of his life made him often got through thick and thin with those lonely and frustrated little potatoes. At the same time, he also used unique artistic ingenuity to demonstrate their mixed feelings well.
O. Henry’s works were rich with original conception and witty language. And the endings always made people feel “reasonable, but also in unexpected”; and also because his description of a large number of people were all rich in life, his works were known as the “the Humorous Encyclopedia of the American Life”. His best short stories, such as A Servi


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