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elids of the sleeping rashander. When he woke up, he saw Helena who had broken in by mistake. Therefore, poor Hermia was very sad because of the "empathy and don't fall in love" and was very attentive to Helena. But when Demetrius woke up, he saw Helena who was attracted by the spirit, so "old love revived", which made poor Helena very distressed. Two equally beautiful and kind-hearted girls are driven mad by grief and confused by surprise, so they begin to maliciously speculate and even slander each other. And two other infatuated young people dueled for Helena in anger. At the moment, we find that these four people are running in different directions, which makes us laugh and feel sorry. The struggle of happiness is so difficult, and fate makes people, but the process of this struggle is not a kind of pain, a kind of tragedy, but a kind of dramatic thing with the meaning of happiness. In this story, the most dramatic plot is probably the fairy queen's absurd "love" with a weaver who broke into the forest under the influence of magic juice. The funny Weaver originally came to play in the forest with several fellow craftsmen. The elf forced Ke to make the weaver become a more funny donkey. When the fairy queen woke up after contacting the magic juice, she saw the poor guy. So for the weaver, "misfortune" became "fortune", because he got the favor of the noble Fairy Queen. What an incredible thing and how funny it is! It all depends on the power of magic juice, the will of the fairy king and the naughtiness of the elf. Later, according to the Immortal King's will, the magic was relieved, the lovers were married, the immortals were as good as ever, and the fairyland and the world returned to peace. How can strong fantasies, combined with dramatic plots and the accumulation of dramatic fact