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关于友谊的中考英语作文5篇 友谊英语作文初中.docx

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关于友谊的中考英语作文5篇 友谊英语作文初中.docx

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关于友谊的中考英语作文5篇 友谊英语作文初中.docx


文档介绍:关于友谊的中考英语作文5篇 友谊英语作文初中
  下面是我整理的关于友情的中考英语作文5篇 友情英语作文初中,供大家参阅。
  I have a good friend, her name is Lilyll meet, slowly I don't think it's become my friend, here I want to say thank you to it, my good friend, you will not betray me, won't make me unhappy, you will always accompany me, in my most unhappy when you came to my side and help me share, you will not abandon me...
  Maybe it in your eyes is just a ordinary diary, but in my heart I have put it as my friend. Never abandon it, this is my new friend and confidant.
  If life is a banquet, friendship is a flower. Friendship is to our life what water is to fish. If you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you. Friendship plays an important role in our daily life. I’ll cherish my friendship forever.
  When I was in Grade 3 in senior high school, because of serious headache, I couldn’t go to school. The doctor said that I must have a rest for a week. Once hearing that, I was anxious. The step of Gaokao approaches. The subjects are quite difficult. One night at eleven o’clock when we heard someone knock the door, mum opened the door. Li Ming came in .He walked towards my bed and asked my body. Then he said he would help me with the subjects. I didn’t agree with him .After a day’s classes he was very tired. But he insisted on helping me with the subje