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文档介绍:The leading role-Victor
In order to realize his father's dream, Victor goes to America to get the final signature from The leading role-Victor
In order to realize his father's dream, Victor goes to America to get the final signature from a famous jazz band. Unexpectly, he is stuck at the airport because of his country's coup. Instantly, he becomes a lonely person without country. And he is told not to leave the airport. During this period, he gets into many troubles.
Faced with these troubles, he never gives up. He is optimistic. He sticks to his dream. And he is waiting.
Frank is a negative character in the film. He has no sympathy. He is offish and selfish. He desperately wants to get rid of Victor.
Officer Torres is a good girl. She does her work according to the law. She is a square shooter. Later she becomes Victor's friend.
Gupta is a strange man. He likes to watch people silpping down on the floor. At first, he doesn't believe in Victor. He thinks Victor is a spy. Later he admires Victor very much.
Excellent Dialouge
Frank: Catch and release. Sometimes it's simple. Sometimes you land a small fish. You unhook him and place him back in the water. You set him free so that somebody else can have the pleasure of catching him.
Frank: Why is he still here?
Mr Thurman: You released him, sir. You put him there.
Frank: Why doesn't he walk out the doors? Why doesn't he try to escape?
T: Sir, you told him to wait.
F: I didn't think he'd actually do it. I mean he is in a crack. Who the hell waits in a crack?
Frank: What's so complicated? Exit, on. In a few minutes, you will be somebody else's problem. Call the Airport Police.
From what Frank say, we can know Frank is arrogant and cunning.
The film is about love, happiness and waiting. Victor is eager for freedom, but he will not infringe the law. " I wait." he says.
Maybe happiness is when you treat people around you s