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上传人:zongzong 2022/8/26 文件大小:19 KB




g, and I will apologize to my should I care so much? Even if my parents do something wrong, I will be very will not be stubborn and ask them to all, parents are not parents are very enlightened , I want to tell my parents, I love you, in school, I am a teacher, not to fight with the carefully and obey the discipline in cla and the students play, gas and homework is completed on time, the exam results are also poible, in the eyes of the teacher is a good course, I will not treat myself tired, also can go out to play and the kids run, sweating, face rippling happy smile.

My hobbies are painting, singing, listening to music, reading and so \'m good at drawing and singing, in my opinion, painting can self-cultivation, singing can edify sentiment......I am a girl who is looking for sunshine like outlook on life is happy every hope I can bring happine to everyone.
Self introduction of middle school students (two)
My name is Zhang Mingnai 1010, you want to make friends with me? Don\'t worry, listen to my self introduction.
My age, from birth to now


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