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文档介绍:第31卷 第4期 湖 南 城 市 学 院 学 报 (自然科学版) Vol .31
2022年7月 Journal of Hunan C mine construction of the antimony mine has
achieved good results. In order to evaluate the vegetation restoration effect of the Xikuangshan antimony mine
and clarify the vegetation diversity characteristics of antimony mines, six representative vegetation
communities in Lengshuijiang antimony mines were selected for the study, and the composition, structure and
diversity of different plant communities were analyzed. And then the vegetation of antimony mine ecosystems
and effects of restoration patterns on community structural characteristics and plant species diversity were
elucidated. The results show that the investigated community plants belong to 34 families, 57 genera and 64
species, including trees, 3 families, 4 genera and 4 species, accounting for %; shrubs, 13 families, 18
genera, 22 species, accounting for %; herbs, 18 families, 35 genera, 38 species, accounting for %.
The research shows that through a series of mine restoration measures, the vegetation community of the
Xikuangshan antimony mine has been well restored and the shrubs and herbs recover better than trees. By
comparing different restoration modes, it is found that the artificial allocation of shrub and grass with Rhus
chinensis Mill + Boehmeria nive


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