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Read " red star is beamed China " this postscript, I am comprehended somewhat.
读完《红星照耀中国》这本ation on the earth, 9 years since the news like sufferring impregnable fortress all the time blocks and insular , such revive the existence of area and Red Army became to be confused unintelligibly. Too much doubt circles in Si Nuo's mind: What kind of person is Chinese Communist? Why are they having a kind of such mysterious colour? is taking these question, what Si Nuo set foot on Edgar to seek of red China is itinerary.

Be in through the composition those who seek of gules China is itinerary in what place collect arrives is many about the data with true and credible Communist Party of Chinese Red Army, si Nuo is used objective, fair justice, and the language of passion thering is no lack of, recorded this paragraph of miracle that creates by place of Chinese Communist person, to complete China, explain gules revolution of China to the whole world, and what he writes everything be true. The circumstance such as life of the regime of strategy of the basic policy that he still introduced the Communist Party, war and base


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