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文档介绍:安装与配置 SQL Server
T) 天津考区
SQL Server 概述
SQL Server 系统安装
SQL Server 实用程序
SQL Server 服务的启动
SQL Enterprise Manager使用
数据库管理以及SQL 语句的使用
SQL Server 概述
Microsoft SQL Server是为满足分布式客户服务需要而设计的一个可扩充的、高性能的数据库管理系统。
它集成了Windows NT线程和调度服务、性能监视器和事件查看器。这样,用户对网络和SQL Server只需做一次Windows NT 登录,简化了用户帐号管理。
Install SQL Server
Installing SQL Server for Windows NT is simple. The installation is similar to the installation of nearly all Microsoft Windows products, and it'll appear familiar to you if you've installed a Windows application. You must run the setup program using an NT account that has Administrative privileges, such as the NT Administrator account.
Installation Steps
To perform the installation, follow these steps:
1. Choose Run from the Start menu.
2. Type the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive, followed by setup in the bo list box.
The setup program displays one or more message boxes after checking whether you're working from an Administrative account and whether SQL Server already is installed.
Installation Steps
Installation Steps
3. When you continue, you'll be prompted to enter a Name, Company, and Product ID in the Enter Name anization dialog box. Then click Continue.
Installation Steps
4. A second dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the name pany. If you want to change the name, click Change. If not, click Continue.
Installation Steps


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