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澳大利亚的手抄报英文 澳大利亚英文手抄报资料.docx

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澳大利亚的手抄报英文 澳大利亚英文手抄报资料.docx

上传人:baibai 2022/8/31 文件大小:19 KB


澳大利亚的手抄报英文 澳大利亚英文手抄报资料.docx






Red mood - happiness
For a long time, I have been longing for Australias beautiful bay, the classic Sydney opera house, the lovely kangaroo and the koala bear. When the winter break came, I eagerly asked my parents for the dream of the Australian dream. After hearing this, my parents really went through an ideological struggle and finally agreed to my excessive request, and decided to open my eyes.

At the beginning of winter vacation, my heart had already flown to Australia, full of happy red.
Orange mood - happy
After more than ten hours of flying, we finally set foot on the Australian soil. Our first stop was the Sydney opera house, one of the three most iconic buildings in Sydney. Come near, I carefully looked at the world famous buildings, linhai, he shaped like a neat peel orange peel, again like a neat shell all along the coast, spotless, glittered in the sun. The cool sea breeze blew my little face, the sun hung like a red ball in the sky, and the blue and calm sea was stretched out to the water. White seagulls hover over the opera house. The opera house was beautiful, but he had a bumpy history. Before the Sydney opera house was built, Syd


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