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美国大学英语写作:Chapter13 对比和比较.pptx

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美国大学英语写作:Chapter13 对比和比较.pptx

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美国大学英语写作:Chapter13 对比和比较.pptx


文档介绍:Chapter 13
Definition parison & Contrast
Methods of Development
Comparison & Contrast is mon method of development that involves focusing on similarities and differences ——or more likely on one or the other——in order to make a point.
Comparison shows how persons, places, and things that are usually considered very different are alike in some ways.
Contrast shows how persons, places, and things that are often considered very much alike are different in some ways.
However, comparison and contrast often appear together, because people generally like pare two things that are similar in certain ways and different in others.
The purpose of pare and contrast essay is to analyze the differences and/or the similarities of two distinct subjects. A pare/contrast essay doesn’t only point out how the subjects are similar or different (or even both!). It uses those points to make a meaningful argument about the subjects. While it can be a little intimidating to approach this type of essay at first, with a little work and practice, you can write a pare-and-contrast essay!
Methods of Development
1).Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block Book, Film
2).Similarities-to-Differences A---B
3).Point by Point AB, AB, AB, AB
1). Whole-to-Whole, or Block to Block
In this structure, you say everything about one item, then everything about the other.
For instance, say everything about the characters, settings and plots for the book then everything about the characters, settings and plots for the film.
Whole-to-parison and contrast uses a separate section or paragraph for each item you’re discussing.
The points in each of the sections should be the same and they should be explained in the same order (for instance, you might discuss characters, settings, and plots for both, and in that order for both).