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文档介绍:题目 A Book Review of
Some Thoughts Concerning Education
A Book Review of
Some Thoughts Concerning Education
This is a short book review of John Locke’s famous work expressing his educational thoughts Some Thoughts Concerning Education. The review contains three main parts: Firstly, it gives a short background introduction of the author and the work, then it reviews the main idea of this book, divided into three parts: the development of a healthy body; the formation of a virtuous character; and the choice of an appropriate academic curriculum. It analyses their main character and influence one by one. Finally, it gives some scholars’ thoughts ments on this book and Locke’s ideas, then the author’s ments about those views, at the same time an analysis of the limitation of Locke’ ideas.
Some Thoughts Concerning Education is one of the fruits of John Locke (1632-1704), who was considered as one of the most important philosophers in England because of his groundbreaking thoughts about democracy and empiricism and his great and everlasting influence on not only the politics of England, but also that of so many other countries. Though Some Thoughts Concerning Education is generally thought that has nothing to do with democracy or empiricism, it does not prevent this work e a total masterpiece and always spoken highly of. For over a century, it was the mo