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Advertising Glossary
The Advertising Council -- A non-anization providing the media industry with public service campaigns on a number of social issues.
Advertising Executive or Account Manager -- Sales or service personnel employed panies that sell Out-of-Home media (not to be confused with advertising agency account executive).
Adjustment (Make-Good) -- Credit applied where there is loss of service, replacement or other reasons that call for such modification pensation.
Advertising Agency -- Company that creates, prepares and places advertising in various media, working as agent for its client (advertiser).
Advertising Structures -- Physical units built by a plant operator to display advertising. The structures are built to standard specifications. The advertising message is applied to the structure in several ways.
mission -- Compensation paid to an advertising agency by media for placing business. For Out-of-Home media, the mission is 16-2/3% of the value (gross rate) of the contract, although this is sometimes negotiated.
Airport Displays -- A variety of advertising displays are available at airports, ranging from Dioramas (backlit wall posters) to free-standing islands or specially built exhibits.
Allotments -- The number of panels included in a Poster showing. The Poster medium consists of unilluminated Posters or bination of both and are offered for sale in packages by the plant operator. The number of panels in a GRP/ Showing is referred to as the market allotment, which will vary from market to market.
American Advertising Federation (AAF) -- The AAF advocates the rights of advertisers through educating the government, news media and general public. AAF plishes these goals through a nationally-coordinated work of 50,000 affiliate members including advertising associations, and college chapters.
American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) -- anization of advertising agency business, representing 630 agencies of various siz