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文档介绍:Marketing Talent Management petency Framework and Academy Approach

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The Marketing Talent Management Team has developed this presentation to provide a general introduction to Marketing Talent Management and a methodology to assist in designing and delivering petency management and/or marketing academy projects.
This presentation offers a set of methods including a number of templates and proven project examples teams may leverage in project planning and delivery.
While this deck is not meant to be presented in its entirety to a client, you may use this information in creating your proposal or client presentation. Specific client examples and project documents cannot be shared with a client.
For assistance with a client opportunity or more information, please contact one of the contacts of the Marketing Talent Management Team:
Patrick Mosher, Global Sales & Marketing Talent Management Executive Director (@)
Marianne Seiler, Global CRM Marketing Operations Lead (@)
Simon Brown, EALA Sales & Marketing Talent Management Lead (@)
To contribute to this deck, please contact Simon Brown.
Why is Marketing Talent Management Important?
Marketing Academy Design and Development
Supporting Documents
Client Experiences
CMOs are under pressure to deliver growth … fast
The average CMO tenure in years at the top 100 panies*; 53% have been in post for under 12 months
The proportion of US stock market value based on investor expectations of future growth**

* Source: Spencer Stuart executive search; **Source: Analysis of Russell 3000 Index; May 2003
*** Source: Advertising Age Global Marketing Report – 2005
The median marketing spend for
a Global pany is $ billion***
anic growth is essential
plexities for a Marketing Function
CMO’s must deliver growth … fast in an plex environment


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