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Prototype(原型) is an open science fiction(科幻)action adventure game by Activision(动视) released(发布) on 9 June 2009.
The game is set in the modern New York, the protagonist(主角) of the game is ic anti hero character(漫画式的反英雄角色) – Alex Mercer infected(感染) with the virus(病毒) of the protagonist, a wake up and found that do not know what to do before. Players need to use a variety(各种) of leading role(主导作用) of the hero to find his past.
The U. S. Department(部门) of defense(国防) and its subordinate(下属) of the advanced research projects agency ( 高级研究计划署) secretly set up a special forces(特种部队), called “the black watch”(黑色守望); the establishment(成立) of mind(初衷) is use of chemical and biological warfare(生化战) against the United States all threats(威胁) and overseas hostile forces(海外敌对势力), the forces of all actions are top secret(绝密).
Alex Mercer ()
Is the protagonist of the 《Prototype》. He is the first one to have independent consciousness(自主意识) of male(男性) blacklight(黑光病毒) individual(个体).
He used to be a blackwatch virus scientist. He came across the black watch‘s evil(邪恶的) plan, so the blackwatch began to hunt him down. Before he was shot out of the blackwatch, out of anger and revenge, Alex had broke a black virus in vitro(试管). After Alex's death, the virus got into his body.
He woke up in the morgue(停尸房), had lost all memory. He found that he was an alien to the ordinary people(异于常人). Due to(由于) the virus leak(泄露), the outbreak(爆发) of the biochemical crisis(生化危机) in Manhattan(曼哈顿), most of the region(区域) in New York were infected. He is looking for his own life experience and blackwatch conspiracy(阴谋) of the truth, he finally eeded in killing the guy behind this(幕后主使). Blackwatch decided to end the virus with a nuclear bomb(核弹).
A New Begining
Alex throwed the bomb into the Pacific ocean(太平洋), saved New York, but he was blown to pieces(被炸得粉碎). Later raised(复活) by a crow(乌鸦). At this point he is no longer a


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