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文档介绍:An Analysis of Charlotte Bronte’s Feminism
from Jane Eyre
1. Introduction
When Jane Eyre was first published in 1847, it was an immediate popular and critical ess. e Lewes, a famous Victorian literary critic declared it the best novel of the season. Although the story is fictional, the environment of the heroine as well as many other characters and even many of the details are from the experience of the author and people around. The author expresses her feelings through struggling experiences of a humble young woman, which deeply touches readers. In the 1930s, the contradiction of capitalism was still very sharp. In fact, the story of Jane Eyre is the result of the social development in the course of history- mon woman who is at the bottom of society and suffers social oppression wants to pursue freedom and equality. Her fate shows the strongest protest, which is the pursuit of economic and social rights in that era.
Wang Wenhui writes the article Another Aspect of Jane Eyre’s ment on Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre from Angle of Feminism in which she analyzes the heroine Jane Eyre from her revolt and awakening of feminism, revealing the situation of contemporary British society and women. In the article The Androgynous New Image of Woman-An Analysis of Jane Eyre, Guo Xiaomei considers that Jane Eyre has feminine characteristics such as obedience, but she is more like a strong and brave man. In the article Feminism of Charlotte Bronte, Wang Juxiang summarizes the essence of Charlotte’s feminism as the independence, equality and true love.
Western feminists consider Jane Eyre as victory of women against patriarchal oppression, celebrating Jane Eyre’s rebellious feminism. Joyce Carol Oats in the third edition of the novel Introduction says, “In 1847, before Jane Eyre was published, there were some rebellious female images in English literature, but it was unprecedented that Jane Eyre who was humble, ordinary, helpless and disadvantaged confronted consciously powerf


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