文档介绍:Greek Mythology
The story of the golden apple
What is the direct cause of Troy war?
Pairs: the prince of troy . He is
Amative amative(风流的) and irresponsible
before he meets Hele.
Hele : the most beautiful woman
in is the wife of
the king of Sparta .
Do you know the story of A Golden Apple?
Why did them fall in love with each other in the first time? Reason Their love is arranged by god.their love is caused by the story of a golden apple
Main characters in the story:
the Gods(十二主神)
Zeus(宙斯): the god of the sky.
Hera(赫拉): the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
Poseidon(波塞冬): the god of the sea,protector.
Hades(哈迪斯): the god the dead and wealth.
Hestia(赫斯提亚): the goddess of the Hearth(灶台).
Ares(阿瑞斯): the god of war.
Hermes(赫尔墨斯): the god of thieves merce.
Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯): the god of fire and the forge(熔炉).
Apollo(阿波罗): the god of light.
Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯): the goddess of chastity,virginity,the hunt,
the moon,and the natural environment.
Athena(雅典娜): the Greek virgin goddess of reason,
intelligent activity,arts and literature.
Venus(维纳斯): the goddess of love,desire and beauty.
Zeus 宙斯
King of the sky and the earth.
Ruler of the Olympiangods.
He is the rain god , and the cloud gatherer.
His bird is the eagle, his tree is the oak(橡树).
He has many lovers , goddess mon people, and many children.,
Hera 赫拉
Zeus' wife and sister.
Queen of all gods.
Goddess of marriage
and childbirth
Taking special care of married
Venus 维拉斯
Goddess of love ,desire and beauty
es from the foam(泡沫) of the sea. Her beauty not only conquered the mountain gods of Olympus,but also the hearts of all men
one of her children is Cupid, the god of love with a pair of wings
Athena 雅典娜
Daughter of Zeus.
Goddess of wisdom and
Victory of war.
She sprang full grown
inarmour(盔甲)from his
forehead ,thus has no
mother .
In the wedding of a human hero and sea goddess, every god is invited,except for the goddess of d