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JG 145 English CF V3 August 2011 英文版.doc

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JG 145 English CF V3 August 2011 英文版.doc

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JG 145 English CF V3 August 2011 英文版.doc



文档介绍:Industry Technical Specification of the People’s Republic of China
Technical Specification for Post-installed Fastenings in Concrete Structures
2012 Beijing
1 General
2 Terminology and symbols
3 Materials
Concrete base material
Adhesive material of bonded anchors
4 Basis of design
Type and operating principles
Design and safety concept
5 Static analysis
Tension loads acting on anchor group
Shear loads acting on anchor group
6 Ultimate limit state
Resistance to tension loads
Resistance to shear loads
Resistance bined tension and shear loads
7 Anti-seismic design
8 Structural requirements
9 Installation and acceptance
Drilling hole
Installation and fastening
Inspection and acceptance of installation
Annex A Testing method on site
This standard piled for post-installed anchoring technology ensuring reliable, safe and economical designs, construction and operation.
This standard applies to the use of post-installed anchoring system in normal weight concrete. It does not cover anchorage to masonry and lightweight/gas concrete.
Anchor design should be based on application (structural elements or non-structural elements), load (tension, compression, moment, shear bined tension pression), action and safety level (important or normal), etc.
The design, installation and acceptance of post-installed anchoring systems ply with this standard and relevant mandatory requirement of current national codes.
In general, this standard is intended to address assessment and design of adhesive anchoring systems where anchor theory applies (see Fig. below). It is not intended to address the assessment and design of post-installed reinforcing bars proportioned according to the concept of reinforcement development (see Fig. below).
Reinforcement designed according to anchor theory (covered in this standard).
Reinforcement designed according to rebar theory (not covered in this standard).


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