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Father’s Wine Cup
In the depth of my memory,
the image of father’s wine cup is still vivid: It was made of coarse and thick porcelain with a blue rim. When father was out, it was laid silently on the tea tray upside down. In that hard time when eating sweet potatoes, I couldn’t help expecting the days when it would be upturned.
Every time father was going back home, I ran home after school with my schoolbag patting my buttocks rhythmically. Seeing this, mother would always smile and say, “es another greedy kid.” My two elder brothers were already home. The supper was ready and all the dishes were covered with bowls. The whole family were awaiting father. In the dusk, father appeared. We three brothers , running like flying birds, vied with each other to get father the cup.
After being seated, my father fished out a paper bag , in which we knew was money. We picked up food with chopsticks moving like shooting stars the minute mother removed the bowls. Seeing this, father would stroke/fondle our heads with a smile, and then lift up his wine cup, take a mouthful and let out a breath of wine, which filled the entire room with warmth. Father’s wine cup breeds/holds the family’s hope and joy. Once father asked me, ” What do you want to be when you grow up?””Dad!”I just blurted out, which amused my parents to tears.
Time elapses. Now I’


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